The AADSM Qualified DentistSleep Apnea Treatment in Salem, OR

Sleep Quality Matters


Did you know?

  • Good sleep improves you mood, mental well-being, and overall health and happiness.
  • Those that suffer from sleep apnea are more likely suffer from depression and anxiety
  • Obstructive sleep apnea can cause excessive tooth grinding and overtime can cause tooth decay, and receding and inflamed gums
  • 70% of people who suffer from sleep apnea are also considered  to be obese.
  • Not all snorers are apnea but the two often go hand-in hand.

At Healthy Smiles Family Dental in Salem, our sleep specialist evaluates your condition based on your symptoms, an exam, and tests, diagnoses and determines the extent of your condition, makes treatment plan.

Ask us how you can receive a sleep wellness consultation!

Schedule dental sleep screening today!

Download Medical Questionnaire

Download Bed Partner Questionnaire

Dr Xu is the AADSM Qualified Dentist




Schedule dental sleep screening today!

Ask us how you can receive a sleep wellness consultation!

At Healthy Smiles Family Dental in Salem, our sleep specialist evaluates your condition based on your symptoms, an exam, and tests, diagnoses and determines the extent of your condition, makes treatment plan.

Good sleep improves you mood, mental well-being, and overall health and happiness.

Sleep Quality Matters

Good sleep improves you mood, mental well-being, and overall health and happiness.

Those that suffer from sleep apnea are more likely suffer from depression and anxiety

Avant oral appliance testimonials

Avant oral appliance testimonials

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Can cause excessive tooth grinding and overtime can cause tooth decay, and receding and inflamed gums

What the snore!?

Not all snorers have apnea, but the two often go hand-in-hand. As snoring gets louder, chances of having sleep apnea are greater and greater. If you have apnea, your bed partner might notice that the snores are punctuated by pauses in breathing. Those are apnea episodes, and they can recur hundreds of times a night.

Dentistry is teamwork

We work together — and with our patients. Healthy Smiles Family Dental is a judgment-free office where patients and providers collaborate to create beautiful and healthy smiles. Our Salem office is dedicated to:

  • High-tech care
  • Quality and affordable treatment
  • Full-service dentistry for patients of every age

We hope you’re excited about the care you receive and about what the future holds for your smile.

Dr Xu and her staff are wonderful. Knowledgeable, professional, friendly. Would highly recommend!


Sleep Quality Matters

Good sleep improves you mood, mental well-being, and overall health and happiness.

Those that suffer from sleep apnea are more likely suffer from depression and anxiety

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Can cause excessive tooth grinding and overtime can cause tooth decay, and receding and inflamed gums

What the snore!?

Not all snorers have apnea, but the two often go hand-in-hand. As snoring gets louder, chances of having sleep apnea are greater and greater. If you have apnea, your bed partner might notice that the snores are punctuated by pauses in breathing. Those are apnea episodes, and they can recur hundreds of times a night.

Dentistry is teamwork

We work together — and with our patients. Healthy Smiles Family Dental is a judgment-free office where patients and providers collaborate to create beautiful and healthy smiles. Our Salem office is dedicated to:

  • High-tech care
  • Quality and affordable treatment
  • Full-service dentistry for patients of every age

We hope you’re excited about the care you receive and about what the future holds for your smile.

Dr Xu and her staff are wonderful. Knowledgeable, professional, friendly. Would highly recommend!


and Financing Options

We can work with most insurance plans. If you don’t have dental insurance, we offer a variety of flexible payment options, including CareCredit.

Don’t see your insurance provider listed? Call our Salem dentist office at (503) 315-2500 and our friendly front desk staff will answer your questions.

Invest in your dental health and save!


We offer CareCredit and discount plans through Principal and Carrington. Our office can also arrange payment plans with automatic withdrawals from your bank account.

Whether you have dental insurance or not, we’ll help you get the care you need at a price you can afford. 


Learn more

Thank you for your service! We are proud to offer all veterans a 10% discount on all dental care and any products purchased at our office.

Become a patient at Healthy Smiles Family Dental

A healthier you starts right here. We’re looking forward to meeting you and your entire family. Schedule your consultation today at our Salem dentist office.

Have questions? Call (503) 315-2500. We hope to see you soon!

Our Office


4392 Liberty Rd S,
Salem OR 97302

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Regular Work Hours

Monday - Thursday
7:00AM - 4:00PM