How to Stop Snoring in Salem, OR

Healthy sleep starts right here!

How is snoring a dental problem?

Believe it or not, many cases of chronic snoring can be treated by your dentist or through a collaborative approach between your dentist and a sleep specialist. It’s estimated that nearly 25% of all adults in America snore nearly every night — and nearly 50% of people experience regular (but not chronic) snoring.

Snoring can be caused by a variety of factors including sleeping position, how much exercise you get, weight, and alcoholic consumption. In addition, the anatomy of your mouth, throat, and airway can contribute to snoring and sleep apnea. This is where a dentist can help!

    What is sleep apnea?

    Sleep apnea occurs when the airway is blocked and a person can’t breathe while asleep. They are “jolted” awake by their brain so that normal breathing can resume.

    Your dentist can evaluate your airway and help you create a plan to treat sleep apnea.

    Sleep apnea is a condition in which a person stops breathing while they are asleep. They may awaken dozens or even hundreds of times each night without even realizing it. Being told you snore or make choking/snorting sounds at night by a family member or housemate is the most common warning sign of sleep apnea.

    In addition, those with sleep apnea also frequently experience:

    • Chronic tiredness
    • Headaches
    • Jaw pain
    • Dry mouth
    • Depression or mood swings
    • Weight gain 

    Being chronically deprived of high-quality sleep prevents your body from resting and restoring itself. This can lead to a drain on the body’s immune system and a variety of health problems.

    Who is most at risk for sleep apnea?

    Generally speaking, overweight men over the age of 40 are the group most likely to experience sleep apnea. However, this condition may be genetic and anyone who snores or who has trouble sleeping should schedule a visit to our office to speak with a dentist.

    Sleep apnea can be very serious. If you are snoring at night, talk to your doctor or a dentist at Healthy Smiles Family Dental in Salem.

    What is the best option to stop snoring?

    In some cases, a custom mouthguard can hold the airway open and allow a person with sleep apnea to breathe naturally and sleep soundly. However, in other cases, a CPAP machine may be needed to ensure a steady flow of air and oxygen throughout the night. While our dentists can create mouthguards, we will need to refer you to a sleep specialist for further evaluation and more advanced treatments like a CPAP machine to help you stop snoring.

    For some people, how to stop snoring may require just a few lifestyle changes:

    • Reducing caffeine and alcohol
    • Getting more exercise
    • Eating a healthy diet

    Will dental insurance pay to help me stop snoring in Salem?

    Most forms of dental insurance may include some coverage for mouthguards. But often snoring and sleep apnea treatments may be covered by health insurance. If you come to Healthy Smiles Family Dental in Salem, be aware that we work with most insurances and offer a variety of flexible payment options, including CareCredit.

    Who is the best dentist to see in Salem for snoring and sleep apnea?

    Healthy Smiles Family Dental can help you learn how to stop snoring. Our convenient Salem office is open Monday to Thursday, 7AM to 4PM. We’ll help with all your insurance paperwork and also offer a money-saving dental health membership plan, too! Learn more.

    Financing & Payment Options

    We offer CareCredit and discount plans through Principal and Carrington. Our office can also arrange payment plans with automatic withdrawals from your bank account.

    Whether you have dental insurance or not, we’ll help you get the general dentistry treatments you want and need at a price you can afford. 

    Become a patient at Healthy Smiles Family Dental

    A healthier you starts right here. We’re looking forward to meeting you and your entire family. Schedule your consultation today at our Salem dentist office.

    Have questions? Call (503) 315-2500. We hope to see you soon!

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    4392 Liberty Rd S,
    Salem OR 97302

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    Monday - Thursday
    7:00AM - 4:00PM